Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Chambersburg Country Club Golf Course Operations

We have developed this blog to provide golf course maintenance information to the members at Chambersburg Country Club.  We would like to provide as much information as possible regarding course conditions and projects, big and small.  We hope this blog will answer any questions regarding our operation.  If you have any questions beyond the information posted on this blog, please contact the Chambersburg Country Club Superintendent Jonathan Suitch.
717-263-8296 ext. 226

                         NEW TEE BOXES

In 2014, two new sets of tee markers were added to the course bringing the total to six sets of tee markers at each hole.  Not long after installing the new markers we realized that additional tee boxes would be needed to reduce the stress from increased play on some tees and to provide proper yardage for the hole.  Two new tees are currently being built with one on hole #4 and #12.  The grounds crew has been busy adding, compacting and leveling the base of the new tee boxes.  Irrigation and electric lines have been located and new heads will be installed at each tee.  The tees will be properly aimed to a landing area in the fairway.   Our goal is to have them level with tee mix by late winter or early spring, seeded or sodded, and open for play in 2015.

             GRAVEL PATH BETWEEN 1&8

The gravel path that ran along the right side of number one green has been removed, filled in with topsoil and roped off.  This area comes into play on holes one and eight.  It will be seeded as soon as possible this spring and will increase playability in this area.

                              17 BUNKER

We are in the process of repairing the green side bunker to the left of #17.  What we thought would be a pretty quick process, has turned out to be a little more complicated.  The floor of the bunker was extremely uneven causing sand depths to vary from one inch to twelve inches.  Some drain lines were not at a proper depth causing them and the gravel around them to come in contact with the bunker sand.  This is how the contamination occurred.  Our plan is to remove all the contaminated sand, drain lines and pea gravel.  We will level the bunker floor, set the trenches for the drain lines to the proper depth, properly install drain lines and bring in new bunker sand.

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